Concord High School
Concord, NH

Alumni History 1842-1861

Date           Description        

Concord's population reaches 5,000. Proposal to establish a high school is turned down in a district meeting vote.


The Concord schools are made up of three distinct districts with three separate facilities all of them on State Street. District #9 &endash; at the corner of State and West Street; District #10 &endash; at the corner of State and School Street; and District #11- at the corner of State and Church Street.


The State Legislature offers aid to local education by passing the High School Law &endash; permitting public taxation for schools (if voted in by communities).


Concord adopts the High School Law and then votes to accept it, permitting the town to establish a high school and support it by public taxation.


The first Concord High School is established … All high school aged students in Concord now attend the same building, the District #10 facility on the corner of State and School Street. This brick building measured 70'x 45' and housed elementary students on the first floor with the junior high/senior high students on the second floor. Hall Roberts is the first principal, and with a lady assistant, they are the teaching staff for the school's 75 pupils.


The school year is 35 weeks long and divided up into three terms. School is in session six days a week, with morning classes only on Wednesday and Saturday


District #9 implements the "graded system of schools," where students are classified more according to attainments rather than age. The other two districts conform to this idea the following year.


Teacher Edmund Worth draw a salary of $176 to become one of the highest paid employees on the city's payroll.


In an attempt to consolidate the three districts, the "Union School District" is established with a goal to unify the curriculum.


High School reorganized with a more advanced course of study and a higher standard of preparation required for admission, making it a real high school.


The "Board of Education" is adopted to "guard against sudden and entire changes of the city's Superintending Committee."


Graduating class is the first to complete four years of study and first to receive diplomas. It consists of twelve girls.


A second assistant is added to the high school faculty.

Bell School House circa 1846







Please foreward history information by E-mail to:

Mike Royce - Class of 1962
(603) 224-3805

Web Master (603) 224-3805